The Washington Winners 4-H club held our November meeting on Nov. 12 at 6 pm at the Rippey United Methodist Church. At this meeting we had our family potluck and had our installation of new members and new officers. Sixteen members were present.
Our two new members are Addison Gannon and Jack Hansen. Our officers are president Kara Betts, vice president Paige Heaning, secretary Gwen Black, treasurer CJ Muir, and reporter Ashlyn Frederick.

Re-enrollment is due Nov. 15. Registration will be paid by our club for the year which was donated to us by New Coop.
Beef weigh in is Dec. 10.
4-H state project award applications are to be turned in. If you have questions or need help talk to Kara Betts or Kayla at the Extension office.
CWF trip deadline for registrations is Jan. 6. Great experience.
Our next meeting will be Dec 10 at 6 pm. Bring $10/family. Reporter: Ashlyn Frederick
Greenbrier – Each Fall at this time as the 4-H year concludes, the Greenbrier 4-H club celebrates by recalling its events of the last year, and recounting each 4-H’ers most memorable moments. This took place at the annual family potluck held Sunday, Nov. 5, at the Presbyterian Church. Samantha Hardaway called the meeting to order and after the introduction of families, and a brief activity, the club’s highlights of 2017 were explained.
Samantha, Arthur Bardole, Kara Reed, and Brian Hardaway conducted the initiation of new members which included Sadie Shannon, Kaitlyn Halterman, Becca Anderson, Aden Bardole, Cayden Stream, Dustin Nordin, and Kaleah Messer. Each of them were handed a 4-H membership card, a 4-H pledge, and their 4-H record book.
As the old officers were congratulated on the job they had done during the year, they handed over their positions to the new officers. Onica Delp of the Young Leaders led the installation of these new officers which included president-Samantha Hardaway, vice president-Arthur Bardole, secretary-Kara Reed, treasurer-Brian Hardaway, reporter-Grace Hardaway, photographer-Olivia Shannon, historian-Caden Etherton, recreation-Emma Halterman, and greeters-Cody Stephenson and Amie Schroeder.

The installation was concluded with the 4-H pledge by Noble Hoyt and the handing out of tenure certificates and stickers. Those were: one year – Elise Badger, Ely Booth, Leah Hill, Naphtali Hoyt, and Taylor McDowel, two years – Taylor and Tia Gierstorf, Sadie Gilbertson, Grace Hardaway, Elias Messer, Cody Stephenson, and Paige Teeples, three years – Katrina and Natalie Heupel, Noble Hoyt, Olivia Shannon, Josey Weaver, Emma Halterman, Caden Etherton, and Bailey Anderson, four years – Amie Schroeder, Justin Stream, and Brock Wuebker, five years – Avery Bardole, Jaden Hoyt, and Conner Allender, six years – Brian Hardaway, seven years – Brock Badger, Arthur Bardole, Gina Brown, Onica Delp, Mani Jubell, and Kara Reed, eight years – Samantha Hardaway, nine years – Abby Badger, Emily Heupel, and Kara Schroeder.
Samantha and Arthur handed back record books having each 4-Her tell a favorite memory of their 4-H year. At the conclusion of the program members were reminded to re-enroll for the 2018 4-H year by Nov. 15 to avoid the $25 late fee.
The Greenbrier 4-H club Christmas bowling party will be held Sunday, Dec. 3, at 1 pm at Spare Time Lanes in Jefferson.